Specified Commercial Transaction Act
Company name | WAKOH Co., Ltd. |
Name of business operator | WAKOH Co., Ltd. |
Address of business operator | 2-15-9 Midori, Sumida City, Tokyo JAPAN 130-0021 |
Contact information of business operator | +81-3-3634-5645 |
Business hours, shop information, etc. |
Business hours: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (JST) |
Selling price |
Please note that the purchase price does NOT cover import taxes, customs duties, and other local fees that your delivery may incur. These are different for each country, and we have no control over them. Please consult your local customs authority for details. |
Payment method and period |
Payment method: Payment can be made by Paypal / shop pay / Google pay. Payment period: Payment will be finalized at the time the order is confirmed. |
Delivery time | We will ship within five days of receiving your delivery request. |
Return policy | We generally do not accept returns unless the product is defective. |